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TIBCO Software söker: Interaction Designer with good communication skills
Av: Tom Lindahl | 25/11/2010 klockan 14:14

TIBCO Software i Göteborg söker två interaktionsdesigners. Här beskrivningen för den ena tjänsten: "Ref: 3526".

Interaction Designer with good communication skills

TIBCO Software is looking for an Interaction Designer to help create the future of our line of Business Process Modeling software.

TIBCO is a multinational company with offices all over the world, where we create a wide variety of software – the common denominator being helping customers access, share, and analyze information.

Using TIBCO BPM software, customers can rapidly model business processes, user interface forms and page flows, business objects (data), and organizational structures. Process models can be simulated to understand their behavior and impact on the business.

You will be working with our experienced and skilled User Experience Team in Gothenburg, Sweden with projects run by our offices in Swindon, United Kingdom. Most of your time will be spent at the Gothenburg office, but the job will entail several visits to our Swindon offices each year.

- Do you want to work for an international company where we take pride in creating products used by thousands of people every day?
- Do you want to be part of a team that solves challenging design problems every day?


As a member of the User Experience Team, you will be responsible for creating the interaction design for upcoming features in our software. This includes conceptual design work for how new features or functionality will integrate with our various products, as well as UI design of how the feature should be implemented.

You will also be involved in various initiatives to improve the overall usability of our products. TIBCO has a long tradition of highly interactive products that are easy to use. We take pride in what we do. You are expected to help carry that torch forward.


We are looking for an interaction designer with a talent for both conceptual and UI design work, to join our User Experience Team. Experience with graphic design is also beneficial.

You are fluent in both English and Swedish – spoken as well as written language. Your communication skills are high, and you are able to work well with people in other locations.

You are able to analyze complex problems and be a driving factor in providing a solution.
You are quick to learn new aspects of a product in order to perform related design work.

You are comfortable taking ownership of an interaction design project on your own, planning your work and making sure that the project goals are met.


This is a full time position in Gothenburg. You will be expected to travel to Swindon several times every year.

Please apply in English. Send your cover letter and CV to jobs-se@tibco.com as soon as possible (December 14th at the latest), as we will begin recruiting right away. State that you are applying for position ref: 3526.

If you have any questions you are welcome to contact tom.lindahl@tibco.com.

For more information about TIBCO and our BPM products, see http://www.tibco.com.

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