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HUGE Stockholm is seeking an Interaction Design Experience Lead
Av: Jessica | 02/09/2010 klockan 22:42

HUGE is a leading interactive agency that specializes in building sustainable online businesses for some of the smartest and most demanding companies in the world. Founded in 1999, HUGE has developed a unique methodology and culture that combines the most relevant aspects of research, design, marketing and technology to meet client objectives. The online businesses designed and developed by HUGE generate over $8.3 billion in online revenue a year and are visited by over 150 million unique visitors a month. HUGE is headquartered in Brooklyn, NY with offices in Los Angeles, Stockholm and London. Clients include IKEA, JetBlue Airways, Walt Disney Company, iVillage, Time Inc., Target and CNN.

Experience Leads play a critical role at HUGE. They are the nerve center of our design process and take a hefty share of responsibility for the success of large-scale projects. Experience Leads oversee an interdisciplinary team through research, strategy development, concepting, product definition, and design.

A successful Experience Lead at HUGE is an innovative designer, a decisive product owner, a confident manager, a helpful mentor, a team player, and a skilled client partner all rolled into one. In addition to project work, Experience Leads manage and mentor a small group of Interaction Designers who may or may not be assigned to their project.

• Collaborate with Project Managers and Engagement Directors to create project scopes, schedules, and road maps
• Plan for, delegate, oversee, and polish all UX project deliverables (such as strategic vision briefs, concepts, wireframes, site maps, content inventories, etc.)
• Create and present aforementioned deliverables when necessary
• Partner with other disciplines to ensure a stellar final product
• Champion principles of usability and user-centered design and know when it’s ok to violate those principles
• Work with research team to define correct research processes, and participate in user testing or fieldwork as needed
• Partner with Senior Clients to keep project momentum moving forward and to maintain a positive working relationship
• Collaborate with HUGE teammates and clients to ensure that the integrity of the experience is maintained through launch
• Contribute to our process and shared knowledge, and help to evolve the HUGE way of working over time.
• Represent User Experience in pitch work and business development

• 5+ years experience creating interfaces, large scale websites, or applications
• Desire to produce the best experiences in the industry hands-down
• Full understanding of how to apply the methodologies of interaction design and research to website and product development
• Successful track record leading interdisciplinary teams in creating killer products
• Tendency to lose sleep over how to remove the need for annoying "Cancel" buttons
• Experience managing, growing, and mentoring junior colleagues
• Proven client management skills
• Capacity to think holistically about a client’s business
• Engaging presentation style
• Solid writing and visual communication skills
• Familiarity with usability heuristics and relevant HCI literature
• Knowledge of InDesign or other tools for generating wireframes and behavior specifications
• Ability to play nicely with other intelligent and talented types
• The curiosity of a scientist and the passion of an artist
• Ability to inspire passion, dedication, and killer work from others
• Open to feedback and knows when to how and when to defend design choices
• Takes risks in design that lead to a perfect balance of innovation and usability
• Proactive, hands-on person who loves a challenge

To apply, please go to http://hire.jobvite.com/j/?cj=outeVfwQ&;s=INTERAKT.NU and submit a resume, cover letter and work examples.

HUGE is an equal opportunity employer (EOE). We strongly support diversity in the workforce.

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