TAT söker senior interaktionsdesigner |
Av: Sara Stjernquist | 24/06/2010 klockan 10:40 |
We are currently looking for one Senior Interaction Designer with experience from working with User Interfaces. The person we are looking for should be able to work with everything from the idea/concept stage with the challenges of finding innovative but yet usable solutions to the production stage which means seeing the bigger picture when creating the overall information architecture, as well as having an eye for details when developing wireframes and UI-flows. The person should be able to work in Illustrator and preferably Visio or similar programs.
We are looking for a team player who also is able to work independently, is responsible, non-prestigious and has a good sense of humor.
You will work in TAT’s design team with the most wonderful colleagues where no one is afraid to give or receive feedback and contribute to inspire the others. TAT work with international clients in both Asia and in the US, so being able to travel is a plus.
För mer information, besök vår hemsida www.tat.se. |
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