Användbarhetsdesigner, vikariat på GE, Uppsala |
Av: Stefan Blomkvist | 30/09/2008 klockan 12:17 |
The Life Sciences Systems department at GE Healthcare in Uppsala, Sweden, is searching for a usability designer. The position involves being part of a large and international team that develops hardware and software for protein science applications, mainly in the area of liquid chromatography. The usability activities are mainly focused on MS-Windows based software applications used for control of laboratory equipment and production systems.
Länk till annonsen: http://www.gecareers.com/GECAREERS/GECControllerServlet?actionid=90001&checkFlag=&Theme=us&Job=850099&Business=&Function=&State=&Country=1377&Page=2&position_title |
Stefan Blomkvist svarade 17/10/2008 klockan 12:20 |
Ansökningstiden är förlängd till 26 oktober. Välkomna med en ansökan! |
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