Exhibition at K3 in Malmö, 17-18/1 |
Av: Kristina Törnblom | 15/01/2008 klockan 16:23 |
Light installation, Fashion and technology, Physical computing and Interaction design. Welcome to our exhibition 17/1 -18/1 at K3!
What: Exhibition of projects by the students at the courses in: Light installation: Light offers artists and designers a material of unmatched versatility and evocative power. Physical computing: Personal technologies and beyond… Fashion and technology: Explorations into wearable technologies Interaction design: Interaction design introductory level
When : 17/1: 17-20, 18/1: 10-15 Thursday: 17.00 Open critique (Light installation, Physical computing) 18.30 Presentation (Fashion and technology) 19.00 Mingle
Friday: 11.00-15.00 Open critique (Interaction design) All projects will be exhibited both days
Where: K3, Beijerskajen 8, Malmö University, Malmö (opposite the library Orkanen, close to the central railway station) http://kartor.eniro.se/
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