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Fjord Berlin anställer
Av: Anna Olsson | 04/12/2007 klockan 18:09


If you have a moment, I'd appreciate your help. Please take a look if it could be something for you or forward these jobs on to anyone you think would be interested in the positions (permanent or freelance), or anyone else who could help us find great candidates for our Berlin office.

Thanks for your help!

Anna Olsson
Service Design Lead


Haus des Lehrers
Am Alexanderplatz

Alexanderstr. 9
10178 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0) 30 39 40 54 73
Mob: +49 (0) 172 31 63 239

Berlin - London - Helsinki

Company: Fjord GmbH
Job Title: Senior Interaction Designer (mobile) / Senior Visual Designer (mobile) - permanent or freelance
Description: Fjord has recently opened an office in Berlin, and is looking for design talent (permanent or freelance). More information about Fjord available here: http://www.fjord.co.uk

We are looking for self-motivated team members who are passionate about interactive media and want to learn new skills, work in multidisciplinary teams, and deliver excellent quality solutions to leading companies in the following sectors: Media, Telecoms and Internet Information Providers. The work Fjord delivers ranges from mobile services to Web, Interactive TV, and digital interfaces embedded in physical environments.
We expect the successful candidate to have several years experience of delivering interface design solutions for various clients. Ideally the candidate has worked in a collaborative team environment before, and has experience of interacting with multinational clients.
The candidate must have an understanding of how to deliver excellent quality solutions on smaller portable screens.

Senior Interaction Designer (mobile)

Deep working knowledge of standard interaction design tools like Illustrator, Omnigraffle and MS Visio are a must. Experience with Flash or other prototyping tools would be very beneficial too.

Key responsibilities
• Conduct individual user interviews as input for projects, participate in or conduct focus groups, conduct expert evaluation of existing services.
• Conduct benchmarking of services and applications to discover and define best practice in the given subject area.
• Define the overall service structure, including flow charts and interaction model.
• Create wireframes to best illustrate and document a service in detail.
• Participate in the creation of rapid prototypes to illustrate a service or application as it would appear after implementation. Will be used for testing or for internal evaluation. Demos and prototypes often need to run both on a PC and a handset (usually only one handset).
• Support the creation of, or create, functional or UI specifications for services or applications.
• Cooperate with visual designers to solve problems and create full design solutions on projects.
• Facilitate client or internal workshops or brainstorms.
• Collaborate with project managers or office MD to structure project work, plan and execute on client proposals or pitches, and take responsibility for overall quality of design solutions and successful delivery of client work.
• Strategic and creative input on a variety of projects: participate at the early stages of service or application definition and proposition creation.

Senior Visual Designer (mobile)

Deep working knowledge of standard visual design tools like Photoshop and Illustrator are a must. Experience with Flash, 3D graphics packages, and motion graphics software like After Effects would be very beneficial too.

Key responsibilities

• Visual design of interfaces across several digital platforms: mobile, the Web, PC applications, and interactive TV.
• Branding and identity solutions for Fjord client services and companies, and also for Fjord
• Animation solutions and demos created in Flash or similar software packages
• Motion graphics solutions on media projects
• Art direction for photo shoots or similar events
• Collaborate with project managers or office MD to structure project work, plan and execute on client proposals or pitches, and take responsibility for overall quality of design solutions and successful delivery of client work.
• Strategic and creative input on a variety of projects: participate at the early stages of service or application definition and proposition creation.
• If the candidate has skills in the following areas it’s a strong plus: illustration, photography, or diagrammatic expertise (information visualisation).

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