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DICE söker UI-designer
Av: Ola Thörn | 02/10/2005 klockan 10:19


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User Interface Designer

Digital Illusions CE AB (publ) 2005-08-09
Digital Illusions is looking for:
User Interface Designer
for our next-gen development teams.

Founded in 1992, Digital Illusions is an award-winning developer of interactive entertainment based in Stockholm, Sweden. The company has more than 210 employees and develops games in basically all existing platforms. Recent titles include Battlefield 1942 (elected Game of The Year) and Battlefield Vietnam for Electronic Arts, RalliSport Challenge 1 & 2 for the Microsoft Xbox. Digital Illusions’ Series A share is listed on Nya Marknaden of the Stockholm Stock Exchange under the symbol DICE A. For more information please visit www.dice.se.

Job description:
For our new next generation developments we’re now looking for a User Interface Designer. Your primary responsibilities are to design user interfaces both in the games and in the menus of the games. You will be to be responsible to make our productions more accessible and it’s of vital importance that our interfaces enhances the experience of the games and makes them easier to understand and more enjoyable.

The User interface Designer will be responsible for the design of our interface and menus.
The work is done closely with our menu designers and lead them in there work
You will work with the project group in order to define the deliverance of each milestone.

Required Qualifications:
Experienced designer used to work with interfaces and user accessibility.
Great sense of style.
Big interest in computer games and is experienced in the gaming industry or in the entertainment industry.
Good knowledge in Flash

Further more you’re goal oriented, can handle different types of people and are able to make a team work towards set goals. You have the desire to contribute to the total gaming experience of our production and continually identify and improve current processes. Workload is varying and overtime occurs before milestone deliveries.

General Information Please send your application together with CV to jobs@dice.se. Specify your application with "User Interface Designer" in the email’s subject heading. For more information please contact Peter Henriksson, at +46 8 658 78 00.

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