IA/ID Rates in Sweden |
Av: Carlos Olguin | 07/09/2005 klockan 15:31 |
I have been working with information architecture/interaction design projects since 1999. Recently, I moved from the US to live in Sweden with my wife. I have an offer to work on a contractual basis with a company in Göteborg. I’ve been asked for my fees and I don’t know what to respond. I know that what I used to charge in the US will not necessarily apply to Sweden. Is there a website or any other resource that someone can point me to in order to get an idea of what is an appropriate rate to charge? Besides interaction design, the project will entail some degree of development (AJAX, flash, and c++), and visual design.
Thanks much for any help you can provide carlos |
Karin svarade 07/09/2005 klockan 17:44 |
This is a list of median and highest/lowest salaries for different IT-jobs. It does not list ID or IA but Usability Expert (Anvandbarhetsexpert) and other IT roles. http://csjobb.idg.se/Lonebarometern.nsf/LonebarometernPresentation?OpenForm&;nav=41&id=6
Otherwise statistics are available through the unions, but then you have to be a member. If you know someone who is a member of some SACO union or of Sif they can check for you.
It is hard to specify salaries and even more so for contract or consultancy work. AMS also just states that salaries between 25 and 38 000 SEK are usual in the group of computer specialists as a whole.
I hope it helps some. |
Olof svarade 07/09/2005 klockan 18:01 |
As a contractor, dont go below 30000 |
Torbjörn Brange svarade 11/09/2005 klockan 10:13 |
Hard to tell excactly what you ought to charge. Of course pricing is a question of negotiation, how much your client value your skills and so on, but i think it´s a good thing to calculate your lowest acceptable rate first, and then find out what your client is prepared to pay.
One thing to bear in mind about Sweden is the fact that about half your rate goes to tax and social benefits fees! This is of course after deductible costs. You should also try to evaluate the average amount of hours/month you expect that will be contracted.
With all this in mind I would say that 30 000/month wouldn´t cut it.. |
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