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SapientNitro i Stockholm söker Manager, Information Architect
Av: Marcus | 29/01/2014 klockan 09:52

Manager of Information Architecture

Managers of Information Architecture at Sapient are responsible for the navigation, organization, interaction design, and business/user process engineering for leading-edge Web solutions, software, and mobile devices/applications. You will apply user-centered design methods to translate user needs, business objectives, and technology capabilities into world-class user experiences for leading companies. In addition, you will play an active part in expanding current client relationships and forging new ones. You must have a basic understanding of creative disciplines, such as user-centered research, visual design, site development, content strategy, and brand strategy, to craft and lead holistic solutions with the experts in those disciplines. We look for people who are experts in their field, passionate about what they do, and thrive working with other smart people to solve the toughest design challenges.


Lead the assessment of existing sites/properties for usefulness, usability, visual design, content, and branding

Articulate objectives to guide the development of evaluation criteria

Identify strategic opportunities for competitive advantage based on findings

Lead participatory design/user testing sessions and present findings and recommendations to cross-functional teams and senior clients

Lead behavioral in-context research events; analyze, synthesize, and organize research data into meaningful themes, categories, and visually compelling frameworks and behavioral models

Identify opportunities to create business value and improve the user experience, based on user research; organize opportunities into visually compelling matrices or maps

Lead stakeholder interviews, including: conducting, preparing notes, and analyzing findings to understand key success factors for a project or pursuit

Facilitate user scenario planning sessions with both internal team and clients

Lead development of personas/segmentations based on research findings; integrate personas/segmentations with related deliverables such as opportunity maps

Drive the development of engaging scenarios and frameworks that describe key aspects of a proposed experience, and how it reconciles business and user needs

Lead the creation of visually compelling representations of the solution’s high-level interaction, navigation, and organization design (i.e., concept models)

Create (and lead the development of) comprehensive sitemaps, wireframe systems, and process flows for large-scale solutions; present deliverables to senior clients

Estimate, plan, and lead tracks of creative work/projects in the development of a quality solution; track progress according to the plan created for the project (e.g., conduct design reviews and creative status meetings as needed)

Manage operational level client meetings, including workshops

Serve as the primary point-of-contact/facilitator for planned (regular) client meetings

Support creative aspects of sales pursuits, including proposal creation and orals presentations

Identify tools, templates, and techniques that evolve existing approaches for the larger creative community at Sapient


Bachelor's degree preferred in design-related discipline: Interaction, Information or Interface design; Human-Computer Interaction; Design Planning; Graphic Design; Communications or equivalent military experience

5-7 years of industry experience

Candidates must be expert in user-centered design methods and techniques

Proficient to expert in: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Visio, Microsoft Office

Excellent analytical and process-oriented skills

Excellent verbal and written skills

Experience in working on multiple projects simultaneously

Ability to work collaboratively on multi-disciplinary teams

Prior experience in a consulting firm or agency preferred

Prior experience in UI design for mobile devices a plus


If this speaks to you and you are ready for a new challenge, we will be happy to receive your resume and cover letter through our online-application tool or to swedishcareers@sapient.com . When applying please refer to the job code 201483.

About SapientNitro

SapientNitro, part of Sapient (NASDAQ: SAPE), is a new breed of agency redefining storytelling for an always-on world. We’re changing the way our clients engage today’s connected consumers by uniquely creating integrated, immersive stories across brand communications, digital engagement, and omni-channel commerce. We call it Storyscaping, where art and imagination meet the power and scale of systems thinking. SapientNitro’s unique combination of creative, brand and technology expertise results in one global team collaborating across disciplines, perspectives and continents to create game-changing success for our Global 1000 clients, such as Chrysler, Citi, The Coca-Cola Company, Lufthansa, Target, and Vodafone, in 31 cities across The Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific. For more information, visit www.sapientnitro.com

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