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Samsung Design Europe i London söker GUI Designer för Domestic Appliance
Av: Malin Andersson | 12/09/2012 klockan 16:10

GUI designer med minimum 2-3 års erfarenhet sökes till Samsung Design Europe i London

Purpose of job:
- Hands-on design development of Graphical User Interfaces, visual design, style guide and production of Graphic assets for Domestic appliance products for line up design (production) and future, conceptual design.
- Definition of the European Graphic design language to create the design identity.
- Research, analysis and reporting on European Graphic User Interface trends and visual design trends.
- Establishment of the strategic direction of screen graphics and the digital content visualisation.
- Contribute to the strategic direction for positioning the visual design identity of our GUI to enhance Samsung brand image of Domestic appliance design.
- Contribute to the establishment of an interactive design language through Graphic User interface solutions.
- Generate graphic design solutions such as screen layouts, fonts, widgets, icons, animations, and visual entities to complement and support interaction style.
- Analyse GUI trends and trends in digital content visualisation in Europe.
- Develop GUI concepts for presentation and for User testing.
- Translate research findings into input to design language and visual design solutions.

Main responsibilities:
- Create graphical assets for Domestic Appliances
- Develop visual design language and visual design solutions as a hands-on designer with relevant skills
- Ensure the end results of screen graphic design meet the market (consumer) demands, technical specifications and requirements.
- Communicate and cooperate with UI design development and other internal disciplines (Product Design, Design Intelligence and Research, Engineering, & Marketing), other business functions and external partners
- Contribute to the definition of Samsung Global and European local GUI design strategy and language
- To develop a network of external consultancies and individuals to support the work of the UX design team

Performance Standards
- Deliver projects on time and within budget
- Ensure the project results satisfy the given briefs in aspects of aesthetics, physical and psychological interfaces between users and products
- Create the documentation necessary to convey the visual design concepts and solutions throughout the design development process
-Ensure the ‘look and feel’ of the visual design solutions satisfy the Samsung identity guidelines as well as SDE design language
-Provide input where appropriate to enhance overall quality of Domestic appliance UX projects
-Build trust with team members and other groups within Samsung through appropriate and persuasive design presentation at each phase of the design process
-Resolve project-related issues in a professional, timely and logical manner

Essential skills required:
- BA or MA in Multimedia Design, Graphic/ Visual Design or related degree
- MINIMUM 2-3 years hands-on experiences in Graphic User Interface/ Visual design, ideally working with a multi-national company or design consultancy.
- Ideally, experience of designing for small screens (e.g. mobile devices, camera, etc.)
- Must demonstrate a creative and innovative approach to design
- Must show personal creative GUI/ visual design (portfolio required)
- Must demonstrate understanding of how interaction design, graphics and technology work together to produce an integrated user experience.
- Ability to plan and manage projects the whole design and research projects process.
- Ability to work and communicate with other design and business functions.
- Ability to work and communicate with outside count partner such as e.g. design agencies.
- Enjoy working in a team
- Proficiency in relevant design software and techniques (e.g., Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator, In design CS etc.)
- Interest/Experience in Human Factors, human behavior, field observations & ethnographic research.
- Interest/Experience in design trends

Skicka din CV och arbetsprov till malin.andersson@samsung.com

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