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Rebtel söker interaktionsdesigner
Av: Sofia Berglind | 22/12/2011 klockan 13:46

Rebtel is one of Sweden’s most successful startup companies and is located in Stockholm. We make free and cheap international calls and messages available to users globally by an innovative take on VoIP. We are currently growing at a very high pace and our main focus is developing better calling apps for smartphones (iPhone / Android) and PC while improving our core calling service based on the web and local numbers. More than 15 different nationalities are represented in our office and it is an inspiring environment and a great place to meet other likeminded people with high ambitions, who like to work hard but always make sure to have fun while doing it.
The Job
We are looking for a highly motivated interaction designer with a passion for creating attractive and easy-to-use interfaces for web, mobile applications as well as desktop applications. You will be a member of the product team and work closely with product owners and developers to ensure that our different products are designed and optimized for our different users’ needs. With your knowledge in user centered design processes and talent for creating a simplistic and compelling user experience, you will play an important role in bringing Rebtel to a new and larger audience for mobile communication applications.
The Responsibilities
• Participate in concept and vision work, create personas and user scenarios
• Definition and specification of new features and improvements of our iPhone, Android, PC and web applications
• Create wireframes, flow charts, mockups, prototypes and other interaction documentation
• Work with developers, visual designers, copywriters and testers to ensure quality, consistency and that timelines are met
• Perform user tests and analyze data as part of the design process and to find areas of improvements of our existing services
Your Profile
• Bachelor’s degree in Interaction Design or equivalent knowledge
• 1-3 years experience from working as an interaction designer for web and/or mobile applications
• A passion for creating attractive and easy to use solutions
• An eye for good design even if you’re not a graphical designer yourself
• An interest in using data and user tests to optimize the user experience
• Basic understanding of web development and/or mobile platforms
• Excellent communication skills in English (Swedish is an advantage)
• Experience of working with SCRUM is a plus
Does this sound like you? Please send your CV, application and work samples to sofia.berglind@rebtel.com

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