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Kambi Sports Solution söker Interaktionsdesigner
Av: Jan Alfbo | 03/03/2011 klockan 10:55

Interaction Designer, Kambi - Business development (Stockholm)
As interaction designer at Kambi you will be working within our business development team in the creation of end-user as well as in-house user experiences.
Kambi offers their sports betting products to clients either through a technical API where the client builds the front-end solutions themselves or through ready built applications branded and seamlessly integrated with the customers overall website offering. You will together with product owners, front-end developers and graphic designers enhance Kambi’s existing applications as well as working on brand new channels such as terminals. The key challenge will be to in a very complex environment build intuitive, fun and overall easy-to-use solutions that can appeal to the novice as well as the expert user. You will be expected to carry out research, manage user testing, analyze usage statistics and come up with new methods for enhancing our collective understanding for our users’ behavior and needs. Past experience from interaction design for a Sportsbook is a big advantage.
The challenge when designing the in-house user interfaces is of a different kind. Intuitiveness is of less importance as the users will work with interface and the functionality through-out the day, but choosing relevant data to present and building a clever GUI for the odds automating tools is crucial. A well designed back office system can be the difference between a positive and a negative margin and have a huge impact on the quality of the offer presented to our end users. A key to succeed in this role is to fully understand the challenges our traders face. This means that part of your work will be operational for you to familiarize yourself with, and follow up on the existing systems and tasks within the trading department. Together with our quant group and product owners you will be responsible for supplying our traders with the best possible tools in order to raise the effectiveness, increase the margin and deliver the best quality Sportsbook on the market. Your work here will be measured on the improved performance in the trading department.
Several years experience in interaction design for interactive services
Very good English skills; both oral and written
Comfortable to work independently as well as in a team
Creative, logical and able to think outside the box
Knowledge about Scrum and an interest in sports betting is an advantage
If you wish to apply for this position please send your CV and cover letter to recruitment@kambi.com.


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